Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Why Didn't I??

It’s not that I didn’t think of using the suits from a deck of cards in my jewelry designs. I actually thought about it a lot. After all, I live in Las Vegas, I work in a casino, in a POKER ROOM yet! Many a time I pondered and doodled possible patterns for peyote stitch, but with absolutely no success. Sure I came up with a diamond and a heart. I thought I was getting close on a spade but the club! Oh that rebel club was elusive.

Fortunately there are beaders/designers out there more talented, more artistic, more…better than me! They (Redbeast Designs, Barbara E. Elbe) came up with these. Why didn’t I? (This subject courtesy of EtsyBloggers Blog Carnival.)


  1. lol... I know the 'why didn't I?' feeling well. Usually after I have been considering how to work an idea into a design and the next day I see a picture of someone else's work who has simply solved that problem

  2. Ahhh, Miss Elayne, this pattern suits you. Lovely work.

  3. Yep..I say that all time when I see something..why didn't I think of that?!!

  4. These are great! And couldn't be more appropriate for your shop. You'll think of something first next time!

  5. Received your comment on my donna post. Go to "the cutest blog on the block" There are free downloads there, I just can't figure out how to make it a three column!

  6. It bugs me when I see something that I've toyed around with in my head and someone else produces something similar - seemingly without any struggle. I guess that's the way it goes - it's exacerbated by the world wide web as a vehicle for exposure - there is so much out there.

  7. Hi there! I wanted to stop by and thank you again for allowing me to share your peyote ring with the swarovski frame on Abeadaday. I just finished up the blog post and wanted to let you know. The funny thing is, I just noticed you and I have written similar posts about "why didn't I?". Isn't life funny?! Have a great weekend!! Lisa C.,

  8. Awesome! Now you need to do something cool with poker chips!

  9. So crazy when we do realize that! But the beauty of it is that it will inspire you to create a whole new totally unique idea out of it. You're talented!
