Obligifting (v) - Ob-li-gift-ing ... Giving a gift mostly because one feels one must. From the root word Obligift (n).
Now that we’ve survived another holiday season, I find myself reflecting on the art of gift giving.
Let me preface with this - I am an awful person to choose a gift for. There have been numerous times when, upon opening a gift, my first comment was, “Did you keep the receipt?” So now you know.
I may not always score, but I do feel the need to really spend time and thought on the person’s gift...what might he/she like/need/want, that is within my budget? I’m even a big fan of re-gifting, but only in that case that I truly believe that gift is something the person would really enjoy. Even when I buy greeting cards, it often takes me a long time (and several stores) to find the one that really suits that person.
Is it my imagination, or does it seem that many people just want to get the giving over with? (If this was Sex and the City, that would be the line that would show up on your TV.)
-I received a pair of Native American-style turquoise and red earrings. You only have to know me about 5 minutes to know that is so not my style (lovely though they may be.) And this did not come from an acquaintance but from one of my close friends.
-A good friend bought me candles. I am a candlemaker (or Chandler for those in the know.) Need I say more?
-A man I’ll call “Len” feels no cold. Seriously. It will be 30 degrees out and when I ask if he feels the chill he answers, “no.” He owns no jackets, no sweaters, not even a long sleeve shirt. He wears nothing but short sleeve cotton summer shirts all year long. This year someone gave him a leather jacket. This same man is severely diabetic. He also received a bag of candy.
-A good friend gave me a 12 cup self-cleaning coffee maker. His reasoning? Mine was dirty (yes, I’m a slob but that’s a blog for another day.) I live alone and make my coffee one cup at a time because I can only tolerate fresh coffee. (In his defense, he’s also given me 2 of the best gifts EVER so he probably shouldn’t be included here, but on the surface, this sounds like a fine example.)
In conclusion, they say “It’s the thought that counts.” But all too often it seems to me that the giver is only thinking of the obligation.
Either that or I’m an ungrateful b*tch.