Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Why Didn't I??

It’s not that I didn’t think of using the suits from a deck of cards in my jewelry designs. I actually thought about it a lot. After all, I live in Las Vegas, I work in a casino, in a POKER ROOM yet! Many a time I pondered and doodled possible patterns for peyote stitch, but with absolutely no success. Sure I came up with a diamond and a heart. I thought I was getting close on a spade but the club! Oh that rebel club was elusive.

Fortunately there are beaders/designers out there more talented, more artistic, more…better than me! They (Redbeast Designs, Barbara E. Elbe) came up with these. Why didn’t I? (This subject courtesy of EtsyBloggers Blog Carnival.)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Introducing Donna Pool

Have you ever spent time in one of those really eclectic gift shops, the kind where you're not surprised to find just about anything and yet everything you find is surprising? Well, featured Etsy Blogger Donna Pool's shop is just like that.

I wandered through, virtually picking up fun vintage buttons, adorable hand-stitched toys and oh, the most wonderful photographs!

Check out Donna's shop at Etsy and for more information on her creative endeavours, head on over to Donna's blog.

A good time is guaranteed for all.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Perfectly Twisted

I'm fascinated by wire wrapping. Just a little piece of wire, bent here, twisted there, and you've turned a simple stone into a framed masterpiece.

So far I have not delved into the art and craft of wire work. But I'm going to share with you someone who has, and with great success.

Susan of Perfectly Twisted Jewelry has been designing jewelry for three years and selling for two. It was her love of unusual stones that drove Susan to her art. And in Susan's skilled hands there is no doubt that this is art.

Susan is generous with her gift as well, selling tutorials as well as finished designs in her Etsy store. And next month she begins teaching at her local bead store.

Please check out fellow Esmarts member Susan's work at her Etsy store and her blog, you will be amazed and inspired.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Open A New Window

Open A New Door
Travel A New Highway...

My work has suddenly turned a corner.
What do you think?